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Enter Challenge

Young people encounter many hurdles in life. Whether it’s at home, school, among friends, or just figuring out who they are and where they fit in. Expressions is challenging high school teens to use their creativity to share how they feel about what is happening in their world.

Before entering make sure you read the Entry Requirements and FAQs

Parental Consent

Parents, grandparents, and guardians are of great importance to the successful completion of the Walgreens Expressions Challenge. Walgreens recognizes that adults play an indispensable role in the lives of young people providing support and guidance they cannot obtain elsewhere. The Walgreens Expressions Challenge is formatted to create conversation both in the classroom and around the dinner table. Researching and creating original projects on healthy choices and sexual responsibility will bring up questions that your student may want to explore further when interacting with family. The Expressions Challenge is designed to be a compliment to your efforts to raise a healthy and happy teen.

Students under the age of 18 years old must have their parent and/or legal guardian’s permission to participate in the Expressions Challenge program. A complete list of the official rules can be found at Expressionschallenge.com. Parents and guardians, if you approve of your student participating in the Walgreens Expressions Challenge program, please complete the below section.

Completed fields:

  • Parent's First and Last Name
  • Parent's Phone number
  • Parent's Email
  • Entrant's Name
  • Date

will be taken as consent for the student to submit.

The upload period is currently not active.

Vote for your favorite entries

Give your favorite entries the chance to become the People's Champ!

The People's Champ award is based solely on the number of votes entries received. You can add a vote for an entry every day (from 1/9/2023)!

Three $1,000 cash prizes will be awarded, one per category to the entries that receive the most votes.

Vote Now!

The Challenge

Each category will consist of a first, second, and third place winner for a total of 12 winners.

  • First Place – $2,000
  • Second Place – $1,750
  • Third Place – $1,500